Candidate for the

Martin, Marvin

phone: 786-508-4139
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mar vinmar
4401 NW 87th a ve Dor al FL
Motiv ated Vice-Pr esident with BBA in
Management. and br oad-based background
in Stang and Business Deplo yment .
Known as str ong leader and team-builder
with excellent conict- management,
organizational and communication skills.
Technical eTIr tise includes eff ective
strategies for upstr eaming and
downstreaming all Stang needs
processing. Determined Vice Pr esident with
a dedication to driving organizational
development. Motiv ated to identify highly-
qualied candidates thr ough lead
generation and inter viewing. Adept in team
leadership and conict management.
Qualied Director of Oper ations with a 12-
years in Human Resour ces. Skilled in full
cycle r ecruitment pr ocesses, from
prospecting t o closing contr acts. Offering a
history of ex cellence. Outgoing Stang
Manager highly skilled at gener ating
valuable leads. Adept at cr eating marketing
strategies t o attract high-quality candidates.
Offering ex ceptional communication skills.
Vice President off ering years of
management eTIVMIRGIERHHe velopment
of high-per forming teams thr ough
recruitment, tr aining, organizational
development and e valuation of
per formance. Str ong record of
accomplishment working with senior
managers t o build organization t o meet
performance goals. Str ong background in
dir ecting hiring pr actices, designing pa y
structures, developing emplo yee policies,
managing emplo yee pa yroll and benets
and working with ex ecutive team t o develop
talent acquisition and r etention goals. I’m an
success in the stang industr y. As a Vice
Pr esident at Merlin ‘s stanger enterprise, I
empower teams t o excel in r ecruiting for
both tempor ary and permanenr cet roles. My
leadership style emphasiz es
communication, motivation, and
collaboration, fostering a positiv e work
culture wher e team members thriv e.
In summary, I am a dedicated and
passionate leader who is committed t o
building and leading high-performing teams.
I prioritize communication, motiv ation, and
collaboration, and I belie ve in cr eating a
positiv e work cultur e where team members
feel v alued and engaged.
Specialties: Bank Compliance Specialists,
Chief Financial Ocer , Controller, Assistant
Contr oller, Accounting Manager , Senior
Accountant, Cost Accountant, Staff
Accountant, VP of Finance, Finance
Manager, Senior Financial Analyst, Treasur y
and Cash Manager , Credit Manager (AP/AR
Mgrs), Financial System Implementation,
Human Resour ces Specialists, Budgeting &
For ecasting, Pr oject Manager , SEC
Reporting, Internal A uditor, IT A udit or, T ax
English |nativ e
Spanish |native
Vice Pr esident Aug 2021 — Pr esent
Merlin ‘s Stang Enterrpise — Boca Rat on FL
Branch Manager Jun 2017 — Aug 2021
GL Stang Ser vices — Hollywod FL
Organiz e and par ticipate in sales activities in a giv en geographic territ ory or with specic
accounts b y making regular personal and telephone contacts. Ov ersee the administrative
functions necessar y to ensur e an adequate supply of applicants, emplo yees, and
candidates t o meet the needs of client companies. Administers the per formance
management system through regular individual per formance appraisals and recommends
compensation adjustments. Guides and de velops internal staff, aids in the pr omotion and
succession planning process. Identies individual staff tr aining and development needs
and oppor tunities. W orks with the Dir ector of Training & Human Resour ces on the plan of
execution. Tours client facilities with the Saf ety/Risk Management Specialist, e valuating
the work envir onment and compliance with legal notice-posting r equirements. Analyz es
frequency and se verity of saf ety hazards and determines potential for nancial risk t o the
Franchise. Meets with client owners, managers, and depar tment heads to solve problems,
ascer tain specic needs, and determine essential job function r equirements.
Communicates client assignment details t o internal staff. Establishes sales goals to
ensure maMQYQQEVk et share and gr oss mar gin with the Gener al Manager and
Ownership Achieves satisfact ory pr ot/loss r atio and mark et share in relation t o pre-set
objectiv es. With the VP of Business De velopment and Mark eting, organizes and conducts
all mark eting and sales endea vors within the F ranchise territ ory. Determines new sales
oppor tunities b y monitoring new business star t-ups, move-ins, and eTERWMSRW%MHWMn
establishing oper ating forecasts and budgets and manages oce t o achieve established
nancial objectiv es. Monitors accounts r eceivable and initiates and concludes the
collection pr ocess. Ensur es the timely submission of new account cr edit applications.
Evaluates and appr oves nancial eTIRHMXYr es. Ensures the continuous oper ation of oce
equipment. Interviews applicants and completes the emplo yment process. Assigns
associates t o client accounts. Negotiates and closes on placement f ees. Other related
duties as assigned.
VP of Sales and Business De velopment Mar 2012 — Ma y 2017
Food Ser vices Pr ofessionals — Nor th Miami Beach
BBA : Business Management Finance
St Thomas Univ ersity
Team leadership and de velopment
Sales leadership de velopment
Led r ecruitment team, cr eating strategies to attract top talent for company gr owth. ·
Implemented training programs, incr easing emplo yee r etention and de velopment. ·
Managed budget and r esources, optimizing eciency and maMQM^MRKr esults. ·
Implemented new CRM system to streamline sales pr ocesses and impr ove cust omer
Cr eated str ategic par tnerships with k ey clients r esulting in long-term contr acts ·
Led high-performing sales team t o achieve 20% incr ease in quar terly revenue ·
Led r ecruitment pr ocess, sourced candidates, and conducted inter views for various roles. ·
Implemented new r ecruitment strategies to attract top talent and incr ease candidate pool. ·
Utilized recruitment platforms t o analyze data and optimiz e recruitment effor ts. ·
Played k ey r ole in securing 15 new corpor ate clients, resulting in 40% r evenue gr owth. ·
Led successful par tnership negotiations with industr y leaders, increasing market share by
Implemented tar geted marketing strategies that boosted br and recognition and cust omer
Managed employee r elations b y addressing concerns, conicts, and pr oviding r esources
for resolution.
Facilitated onboar ding and orientation pr ocesses for new emplo yees t o ensur e a smooth
Conducted r ecruitment activities, including scr eening resumes and coor dinating
interviews for candidates.
Developed and maintained HR policies and pr ocedures to ensur e compliance with
Led nancial analysis pr ojects resulting in cost sa vings and eciency impr ovements. ·
Managed budgets and for ecasts ensuring accuracy and compliance with company
Collaborated with cr oss-functional teams t o provide nancial insights and str ategic
Implemented inno vativ e recruitment str ategies to attract top talent and impr ove r etention
F acilitated inter view process, conducted back ground checks, and negotiated job off ers for
Managed job fairs and networking e vents, collabor ating with hiring managers t o meet
stang needs.
Implemented CRM system, str eamlining sales processes and improving cust omer
Led a team of 20 sales pr ofessionals t o exceed quar terly targets consistently . ·
Implemented inno vativ e sales str ategies resulting in a 30% incr ease in client acquisition. ·
Negotiated key par tnerships with industr y leaders to drive business gr owth and mark et
Implemented inno vativ e mark eting str ategies t o attract and r etain cust omers, resulting in
protability .
Negotiated contr acts and agreements with clients and v endors to drive sales gr owth. ·
Identied new business oppor tunities through market resear ch and analysis. ·
Developed and ex ecuted strategic par tnerships r esulting in incr eased revenue and mark et
• Successfully met and ex ceeded sales targets by building str ong relationships with
• Skilled at conducting client consultations and r ecommending customized stang
• Procient in cold calling and lead gener ation strategies t o increase client base. ·
Coordinated onboar ding process for new hir es, ensuring a smooth tr ansition into the
Managed stang le vels t o meet oper ational demands, minimizing turno ver and
maMQM^MRKeciency .
Recruited and interviewed candidates for div erse positions, ensuring a str ong cultural t. ·
Developed annual budget for depar tment, ensuring alignment with str ategic priorities and
Monitored and tr acked eTIRWIWt o ensure adherence to budgetar y guidelines. ·
Identied cost-sa ving opportunities thr ough detailed analysis and for ecasting. ·


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