Joe Quinn
8717 Chase Dr 234 Arvada CO 80003 | (970) 481-7083
High energy and culture driven experienced general manager
Professional Experience
06/16 – 04/24 US Foods, Denver Colorado
Te r r i t o r y S a l e s M a n a g e r
Opened then managed 37 independent restaurant accounts in northern Colorado
¥ Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, and Arvada.
07/10 – 06/16 Buffalo Wild Wings
General Manager | Regional General Manager
Increased sales by more than 25% in each of the three Northern Colorado locations
01/10 – 07/10 Infinity Mortgage Denver CO
Mortgage Broker
Commercial and residential mortgage consulting
¥ Proficient in financing, sales, and marketing
06/04 – 01/09 Ta r g e t C o r p o r a t i o n
Executive of Human Resources | Executive of Softlines
All aspects of Human Resources from hiring to retiring
¥ Human resource director of 250+ employees. Softline executive in location that is #1 in sales in company
06/99 – 05/04 Te x a s R o a d h o u s e , A r v a d a C O
Managing Partner
New store opening of this location to double digit year over year sales growth
¥ Trained and upheld operational standards for new partners with a focus on cultivating a positive work culture
06/93 – 06/99 Rock Bottom Restaurants
General Manager
Lead and maintained excellent operational standards and culture driven results
¥ Managed Old Chicago locations in Lakewood, CO and Colorado Springs Education
08/86 – 06/91 Metropolitan State University
Hotel and Restaurant Management – 3.0
¥ Externship at Stapleton Plaza Hotel by DIA
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